Food Security, Agriculture and Livelihood Development
IRCA shall work in partnership with various agricultural developmental partners to help improve agriculture in Southwest State of Somalia by venturing and employing better agricultural techniques that suits the areas ecological conditions and assisting the communities to adopt for the better of their livelihood. IRCA provides food assistance to prevent loss of life and to contribute to promoting inclusive market systems that improve agricultural productivity, incomes, and nutrition. We promote livelihood strategies that protect, recover, and strengthen individuals’ and households’ abilities to earn a living. To prevent repeated displacement, we support engagement in social and economic opportunities that reinforce the adaptive capacity of systems, individuals, families, and communities affected by displacement.
Our livelihoods and food security work focuses on the following thematic areas:
Household and livelihood vulnerability analysis
Emergency Cash and Voucher Assistance
Asset creation (creating local assets that reduce food insecurity and build livelihood opportunities)
School Feeding program
Nutritious food production systems
Integrated natural resource management
Employment and income generation and/or diversification-TVET Skills training
Credit and finance facilitation
Disaster Risk Reduction
We work in areas of (Livelihood provision, Livelihoods protection & Livelihoods promotion) to enable livelihoods that are in support of durable solutions