IRCA believes that Education is central to the development of the individual and the progress of society at large and thus has established a high-quality program for Education focusing Primary Education. In Somalia the organization is one of the local organizations working with Inclusive Education focusing on Special Needs Education, which is not necessarily limited to physical disabilities.

IRCA’s main objectives on Inclusive Basic Education are:

Increase enrolment and retention of school going population (aged between 5-18 years) with emphasis on gender equity and inclusiveness; while address socio-cultural barriers that hinder the enrolment of girls and children with special needs through community mobilization and sensitization, and by combating violence in the school place.
Improve teacher competence through in-service training, mentoring and provision of basic incentives.
Provide psychosocial training to teachers in IDP sites and other emergency affected areas and psychosocial outreach to children through child-friendly spaces.
Facilitate the availability of adequate and relevant basic education materials, kits and supplies.
Organize peer education sessions in schools by promoting formation of clubs in Schools in target locations.
Campaign against traditions that hinder education especially for the girl in Somalia.
Promote feeding programs in schools.
Spearhead the development of a policy and a manual on IE focusing on SNE.

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)